Farewell #Woke Church

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LuYeXCQvVG4&feature=emb_title Absolutely right. The woke church isn't the church so if we are discussing faith with 'woke' Christians we need to see it as interfaith dialogue. If someone told me 'blackness' and 'black people' were a problem in the church LIKE we are hearing from the 'woke church' about white people - I wouldn't put … Continue reading Farewell #Woke Church

Is “Calvinism” Biblical? (pt 7)

In this post I’ll try to point out very briefly, from scripture that the Reformed or “Calvinistic” exegesis of the Bible is the true exegesis of scripture because the opposite is impossible. I believe Arminianism, or free will works religion leads to self-contradiction. As Van Til would say, “we reason from the impossibility of the … Continue reading Is “Calvinism” Biblical? (pt 7)