Confirmed Lutheran

UPDATE: The end of 2022 I left the Baptist church I had been a member of for a very long time and started attending the Divine Service at a Lutheran congregation (LCMS North/Canada) and was confirmed March of 2024.


Warfield writes, "According to this system God the Lord does nothing looking to the salvation of men directly and immediately: all that he does for the salvation of men he does through the mediation of the Church, to which, having endowed it with powers adequate to the task, he has committed the whole work of … Continue reading Sacerdotalism

Two Kinds of #Theosis

From Christification: A Lutheran Approach to Theosis by Jordan Cooper: "There are many different approaches to theosis in various authors and traditions, but there are two primary strands of thought on this subject. First, there is the earlier formulation as explained in Irenaeus and Athanasius. This approach to theosis is primarily theological in nature, arising … Continue reading Two Kinds of #Theosis

Sacerdotal System Rejected

(first published in 2013) Notes and quotes from chapter 7 of Schaff's History of the Christian Church. (Schaff had a killer beard!) THE SACRAMENTARIAN CONTROVERSIES: 101. Sacerdotalism and Sacramentalism. Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodoxy: The Catholic system of Christianity, both Greek and Roman, is sacramental and sacerdotal. The saving grace of Christ is conveyed to … Continue reading Sacerdotal System Rejected